Ultimate chutzpah

The opposition has served an ultimatum on the government. Unless Rohee retires within “48 hours”, they’re coming out in “mass protests” in the city. Both APNU and AFC made the threat. Well, Nigel Hughes, chairman of the AFC, did – leader Ramjattan and Deputy Chairman Nagamootoo were nowhere to be seen. Benschop substituted. Guyanese should know by now what ‘mass protests’ in Georgetown means. It’s a code for them to literally flex their muscles – with the street and criminal riff-raff sure to quickly take control. You should know too what will ensue. When all hell breaks loose, let’s not hear the cynical gentlemen of the opposition cry, “We didn’t mean for that to happen.” These will be crocodile tears. The ranks of the opposition are overflowing with lawyers – even some like Hughes who aspires to silk. They know full well that if they do something with full knowledge of what might go down.
But what, you may be wondering, is the rationale for threatening mayhem and anarchy in the city? A policeman in hot pursuit of a vehicle being driven wildly in the streets of Georgetown shoots at it and inadvertently kills a bystander. Of course, it is regrettable. Of course, the police must review its SOPs. Of course, there must be a full investigation of the policeman who fired the shot and the circumstances under which it was done. But for the minister of home affairs to resign? C’mon now!!! The opposition says it’s “not politics”. So, it’s merely a coincidence that from the moment that Rohee became minister – it didn’t matter what ministry – starting with Hoyte, they began to stridently demand his head. Petitions; motions in Parliament, picketing; and now a full-fledged street protest are all part of their deadly dance.
If going after Rohee’s head isn’t political, then running for the presidency also isn’t political. Politics is about power and this is what the opposition will be flexing. Nothing different from when Ogunseye threatened that if there weren’t ‘shared governance’, the same disciplined forces that’re being castigated will stand idly by while mass protests are unleashed. If this isn’t ‘political’ where are the ordinary citizens and the social groups.
Ex-army chutzpah
David Granger, leader of the PNC and APNU and the Official Opposition (OO) – wearing three hats and counting – screams that he “no longer has confidence in the police force”. He didn’t say a world about the then commander of the armed forces resigning when Rodney was assassinated by an army man, Gregory Smith. Smith had infiltrated the WPA for a year. Granger had been made head of the army by Burnham (the commander-in chief of the armed forces) a year before, when he expressed fears that Rodney was infiltrating the army. Sure it’s coincidence!! Didn’t call for the then home affairs minister to resign when several policemen’s guns were found on kick-down-the-door bandits in the 80s. But here it is, a lowly policeman fires his gun recklessly – unfortunately killing a young man – and the minister of home affairs must resign!! Oh judgment, thou art fled to brutish breasts… and men (of the opposition) have lost their reason. Resulting in a serious attack of chutzpah!
Chavez’s challenge
The president has responded very positively to Chavez’s victory – calling for closer links. As well he might. The opposition seemed all ready to send troops to the Essequibo border. Guyana must always secure its own interest and it’s not with the right-wing opposition.

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